Three years ago, the heart of Amemiya Hotaru, the 'dried up female', had settled on Takano 'Buchou', and the 'dried up female' was supposed to have grown up . However, right after that, Hotaru was posted as a project team member to far-away Hong Kong. She was cut off from 'Buchou' and devoted herself to work. Then, three years later, Hotaru returns to Japan after finishing the project. She is assigned to the First Planning Department, where 'Buchou' belongs, and immediately begins work as one of the team members. However, both the staff as well as the mood in the company have changed a great deal.
Still remember with Hotaru no Hikari Season 1?, Story Amemiya Hotaru (Haruka Ayase) that after 3 years working in Hong Kong because of his achievements, Hotaru finally returned to Japan and met again and of course live in a very comfortable house owned by the Bucho which has become her lover aka Seichi Takano (Fujiki Naohito).
At Hotaru went home, Bucho instead welcomed it showed his dislike, because for 3 years, Hotaru who said he would often send word was just sending a postcard that was cuman just once when he first lived in Hong Kong and after that he never let Bucho, even email the Bucho was never her back. Their relationship began to flourish with an unexpectedly apply Bucho Hotaru which I applied in the usual way but quite romantic, without giving the ring again. But then some problems arise starting from Hotaru is always wasteful, there is a woman who approached Bucho, and there are a newbie employee Seno Kazuma (Mukai Osamu) in the company they work close to Hotaru.
Yeahhhh........ I can not tell you too much, because this drama has also recently aired earlier this month, and the new dramacrazy subtitlenya 2 episodes that exist, it was just episode 3. So far does the story exciting, and I was impatient waiting for a sequel. Bucho rival the new employees' Seno was pretty physically, emmmmhhh not pretty but she's funny!, Mukai Osamu it does not seem too popular, not too much news about him, but he was often played in some drama but as an actor helper not too often, it turns out he also played in Meichan no Shitsuji, Nodame Cantabile and Atashinchi no Danshi. but it seems Osamu be input in one of my favorite japanese drama.